Saturday, February 21, 2009


Isobel: "I can only step on rocks."
Eva: "Except sometimes you have to not step on rocks."
Isobel: "Yeah. But right now, if I was a sandstepper, I'd be stepping on the sand."
Eva: "But you're a rockstepper."


Share :) said...

Where did you take them this time?

Bryce Jr said...

Just went on a random drive on Saturday and, about 5 minutes out of town, found a parking lot with a short trail to a kind of busted-up cliff. There were petroglyphs, no people and plenty of big rocks to step on.

Bettie said...

You know, they always have to clarify that SOMETIMES they don't do what they ALWAYS do. They were born to argue...sigh. But they are rather clever and cute when they are out and about with you. I am glad you had fun while I was gone. Love you!

Bryce Jr said...

Yes, but ... this wasn't an argument at all. Isobel's hopping from rock to rock and says "... only ..." Right after that, she gets to a spot where she has no choice, so she just walks through on the dirt. Eva's following her through that section, thinking about it (and I'm following Eva, thinking about it), and about 10 steps into it she says "... sometimes ... " (Translation: I don't blame you for walking through this part; I still totally believe that you can only step on rocks.) Isobel immediately agrees with her, but by then she's found more rocks and is taking some fairly daring leaps between them, so she says "... but right now ..."

Anyway, I just thought it was a super-cute exchange that, by the end of it, illustrated pretty clearly both the terrain we were in and the method Isobel chose to navigate it.

Seems like y'all may have needed a little more info, though, so ... there you go.

Share :) said...

I just think they are totally cute and I love how you capture and share their conversations. Then I get to imagine it all for myself. The story is even better now that it wasn't off to some grand destination, but just a spot on the side of a road that had a trail. I love how those girls find adventure in the ordinary. :)

angryyoungwoman said...

Hey! First off, I think your kids are adorable and I love when you write about them.

Second--what? You don't have a link to your email???? You mean I'm going to have to leave this in comments?

I thought you'd want to read it.